Linda Chung

Linda Chung

Sunday 20 September 2009

My birthday

Today is my birthday!!! When I woke up I saw a gold, sparkly gift bag and I didn't actually know that this was my birthday present. I looked in the bag and there were 5 presents wrapped up and there was also a card. (I also saw a packet of snack a jacks.) So I started opening the medium sized present first and it was a book form Jaqueling Wilson!!! The title was Candyfloss and I've already read a little bit of that book. I opened the next present which was the littlest presen and it was attached to the card. I opened that present up and it was 2 clips with dangly diamonds things. Then I opened the card, It was pink with butterflies on it. I opened it and it had everyone's signiture and a little comment with it. Well it wasn't exactly everyone's signiture because my third auntie did the signitures for some people because they're in London, My fourth auntie and my uncle. Anyway I opened the biggest present there and it was a password journal!!! I really wanted a password journal. I told my third auntie to buy it for me and she said she went to Argos but it wasn't in stock but obviously she's lied. I told my second sister to set the password journal for me so she got a screw driver and she opened the back bit to put in the batteries. I got the batteries that we needed and she put it in. The password journal opened and I set my password. She wrote something on the notepad with the special pen and after a few minutes, we couldn't see what we wrote. So we opened the light and then we could see the words that we wrote! It was great!!! I left the last wrapped present in the bag because I wanted to open it downstairs. I also saw a note on the bag saying: give this bag back to me after you've finished. In the night we had dinner and then we cut the cake and then I went to bed.

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